
What Is The Difference Between Abuse And Neglect In Nursing Homes?

You expect nursing homes and assisted living facilities to go above and beyond when caring for residents. While it’s true that many facilities offer exemplary care, others have little regard for residents and their families. In these situations, abuse and neglect are a continuous concern.

While both can cause massive harm, there are quite a few differences between nursing home abuse and neglect. Understanding these differences is crucial, as it can help families quickly get assistance when issues arise.

Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse includes a wide range of behaviors, all of which can have a devastating effect on seniors. Physical abuse is characterized by hitting, kicking, slapping, or otherwise harming residents. This abuse will leave behind physical signs, such as cuts and bruises. There’s also emotional and psychological abuse, which entails threats, insults, bullying, and harsh criticisms. Many seniors become withdrawn and forlorn when experiencing emotional abuse.

Nursing home staff can also abuse residents financially by taking their money using nefarious methods. In addition to outright stealing from residents. A caregiver may coerce a person into signing over money or authority, which can then provide access to banking accounts. In this case, family may notice that the senior’s bills are unpaid, or they lack money for daily purchases.

Nursing Home Neglect

Nursing home neglect can have the same devastating impact as abuse. However, neglect is not always intentional and can sometimes result from the staff’s incompetency or laziness. The problem may lie in the nursing home itself, as a lack of staff members can leave those remaining overworked and overwhelmed.

Seniors who are bedridden will need assistance getting around each day. Without the right help, they may develop painful bed sores and other medical conditions. If they must get around on their own, they may become injured in falls and other accidents. Their personal care will also suffer greatly due to the lack of attention. Their clothes will appear dirty, their hair unkempt, and their appearance will be messy and disorganized.

What You Can Do

If you suspect nursing home abuse or neglect, the first step is to contact the hospital administrator. Make them aware of the issue and present any evidence you have. You can also follow up with the adult protective agency in your area. They can investigate the issues and take the proper steps to rectify it.

If your loved one experiences serious physical, emotional, or financial effects as a result of improper treatment, you can also contact Martinez, Hart, Sanchez & Romero, P.C. Our firm has over three decades of experience advocating for people injured by negligence. We also ensure those responsible for nursing home abuse see consequences for their actions.

Schedule a consultation today by calling 505-343-1776. You can also contact our firm to learn more.