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Albuquerque Bicycle Accident Attorneys

Filing a Personal Injury Claim After a Bike Crash

Albuquerque Bicycle Accident Attorneys: Protecting Your Rights

Riding a bicycle is good for your health while also being beneficial to the environment. That’s why so many states, including New Mexico, have established laws to protect cyclist riding on streets also shared by passenger vehicles. Despite these laws, many cyclists find themselves the victims of accidents that could have been prevented. And in many cases, these bicycle accidents occur because of the carelessness of motorists.

Martinez, Hart, Sanchez & Romero devotes our legal practice to protecting the rights of others. We understand that cyclists are vulnerable on the road, which is why it’s crucial for motorists to pay attention and follow traffic rules. When drivers fail in their duties, devastating injuries, and even loss of life, are a real possibility to cyclists on the road.

If you or someone you love was involved in a bike accident in Albuquerque or the surrounding areas, contact our team today to learn more about your legal rights during a free, no-obligation consultation. Our bilingual staff provides legal services in both English and Spanish, and we do not collect any legal fees unless we recover compensation for you.

You can reach us online or by phone at (505) 806-1780

Understanding New Mexico's Bicycle Safety Laws

Cyclists in this state are subject to the same rights and obligations as all other vehicles on the road. In addition to following applicable traffic laws, cyclists must ensure their bicycles are equipped with the right gear and accessories.

When it comes to nighttime riding, bicycles must have a front lamp, which must be visible at a distance of at least 500 feet, and a rear red reflector, which must be visible at distances ranging from 50 to 300 feet. All bicycles on the road must also be equipped with a bell or other signaling device and must have working brakes.

Motorist Responsibilities & Cyclist Safety in Albuquerque

Even when conducting themselves in a safe, secure manner, cyclists could still be at risk of serious injury or death when motorists fail to drive safely. In fact, many bicycle accidents are the result of motorist negligence. 

Some of the most common causes of bicycle accidents in Albuquerque and throughout New Mexico include: 

  • Ensuring Safe Passing Distances for Bicyclists 
  • Avoiding Accidents with Unsafe Left Turns 
  • Preventing Collisions with Right Turn Awareness 
  • Combating Distracted Driving to Protect Cyclists 
  • Impaired Driving: A Threat to Cyclist Safety 
  • Adhering to Traffic Laws to Prevent Bicycle Accidents 

Sometimes, bicycle accidents happen not because of motorist negligence but due to outlying factors, such as inclement weather, dangerous road conditions, defective equipment and safety gear, or even fellow cyclist negligence. At Martinez, Hart, Sanchez & Romero, our Albuquerque bicycle accident attorneys know how to thoroughly investigate claims to determine exactly what happened and, importantly, who was at fault. 

  • "I can't seem to say enough about the people at this law firm. I was treated with the greatest experience ever. My case wasn't a very large case, but, non the less I was treated with the upmost respect and treatment of a huge case."
    Christopher C.
  • "Not only are they highly competent, ethical, smart and efficient, they are very kind. They have provided the best representation and assistance imaginable and I would, without any reservation whatsoever, highly recommend this law firm."
    Dorian D.

Common Bicycle Accident Injuries

Even when cyclists wear helmets, reflective clothing, elbow pads, knee pads, and other protective gear, they are at risk of suffering severe bodily injuries when they are hit by heavy, fast-moving vehicles. 

Some of the most common types of bicycle accident injuries include: 

In severe cases, bicycle accidents can lead to coma and death. 

Though nothing can undo the traumatic experience you have been through, a successful personal injury lawsuit against the negligent motorist or liable party can provide you with financial compensation for damages such as medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering. If your loved one passed away due to a bike crash, you could have grounds for a wrongful death claim. We invite you to contact our team at Martinez, Hart, Sanchez & Romero to learn more at no cost. 

What to Do After a Bike Crash

If you were recently involved in a bike accident, there are certain steps you can take to protect yourself, your well-being, and your future injury claim. 

If you have not already done so, try to do the following after a bicycle accident: 

  • Seek medical attention right away or as soon as possible after the crash. Even if you believe that you were not seriously injured, you should still see a doctor or medical provider for treatment. Some injuries take hours or even days to appear; make sure you get checked out and that any injuries you have suffered are properly treated. 
  • Obtain as much evidence as you can from the accident. This might include copies of the police report, copies of your medical records and bills, paystubs showing your lost income, and records of the time you’ve taken off work to recover. If possible, wait to have your bike repaired, as it can serve as valuable evidence in your case. 
  • Refrain from talking to anyone from the at-fault party’s insurance company. Insurance adjusters know that most people don’t understand the claims filing process. They will take advantage of this by trying to offer you a lowball settlement but once you agree to a settlement, you cannot go back and ask for more. Never accept a settlement without first talking to a lawyer.
  • Contact an experienced bike accident attorney, like those at Martinez, Hart, Sanchez & Romero, for help with your claim. An attorney at our firm can help you understand your legal options, as well as the amount you may be owed in compensation. We can assist you throughout the entire legal process and fight for the maximum compensation you are owed. 

Our Albuquerque bicycle accident attorneys are standing by, ready to help you with your personal injury claim. Together, we have more than 100 years of legal experience, along with a long, proven track record of success. 

Let’s Talk About Your Legal Needs

If you’re a cyclist in New Mexico who has been injured due to driver negligence or as a result of another party’s wrongful conduct, our firm is here to help you. We understand the laws governing all motorists and bicyclists and can help you bring together the necessary evidence to establish the careless behavior that led to your injuries.

Call Martinez, Hart, Sanchez & Romero at (505) 806-1780 to schedule a consultation or contact us online to learn more about our legal services.

"Not only are they highly competent, ethical, smart and efficient, they are very kind. They have provided the best representation and assistance imaginable and I would, without any reservation whatsoever, highly recommend this law firm."
Dorian D.
Our History

Martinez, Hart, Sanchez & Romero, P.C. is a local law firm with local and national recognition for having the expertise to handle the toughest cases. Over a century ago, David B. Martinez’s grandparents realized their dream of building a general store at the corner of Rio Grande and Indian School. “A century later, David B. Martinez and F. Michael Hart built this law firm on the same corner of Rio Grande and Indian School where David’s family had built their general store.” The corner of Rio Grande and Indian School is now home to Martinez, Hart, Sanchez & Romero, P.C., which holds the same dedication to serving the needs of the surrounding community.